Mark Vance
It is my pleasure to be teaching your children this year. I would like to tell you about myself. I graduated from the University of North Alabama with a BS in Physical Education and a Minor in earth and space science. I then took a teaching job at St. Joseph Catholic school in Florence, AL. I taught science and physical education there for six years. I then moved to Nashville and accepted my current position at Christ the King School. In 2008 I earned my masters degree in Administration and supervision. I have served as the Athletic Director and the Physical education teacher for 19 years.
I am very excited about our new facilities and all the possibilities to grow our current athletic and physical education program.
The Physical education curriculum for grades pre-K thru 2nd grade:
Hand eye coordination
Body awareness
Basic movement-non-locomotor and locomotor
Rhythmic movement
Knowledge and attitudes about fitness
The Physical Education curriculum for grades 3-8 includes:
Lifetime sports, such as Soccer,Volleyball,Basketball,Tennis, Hockey,Softball and Bowling
Health and sports related fitness
knowledge and attitudes about fitness
The physical education curriculum is supported through the use of Assertive discipline in my classroom to ensure a safe and positive environment.
Classroom rules:
Follow directions
Respect yourself and others
Use equipment with care
Sit down in assigned seat
participate fully in all class activities
Enter and leave quietly
Verbal warning
Remove from group for 5 minutes and lose 1 Dojo point
Remove from group for 10 minutes and Lose 2 Dojo point(s)
Remove from group for rest of class and lose 3 Dojo point(s)
See Admin Support/Principal