School Council

Middle School 22Who Is On The School Council?

The School Council is composed of nine members: (1) one Chairperson appointed by the Pastor for a two-to-three-year term; (2) seven members-at-large nominated and recommended by the Council and approved by the Pastor to serve a three-year term; and (3) one member selected by the Home & School Association to represent it for a one-year term as an ex-officio member of the Council. The Pastor and Principal shall also serve as ex-officio members of the Council.

The Council has three officers: (1) the chairperson, (2) a vice chairperson, and (3) a secretary. It also has several standing committees, but it can appoint ad hoc committees if the need arises. The standing committees are executive, policy, finance, building and grounds, and development.

Who May Serve As Members-At-Large?

Membership-at-large of the School Council is open to parents of School students, alumni, parents of School alumni, and Parish community members at-large; provided, however, that no one who is an employee of the School, or the spouse, child, or sibling of an employee of the School, is eligible for Council membership without a waiver from the Superintendent of Schools.

How Are Members-At-Large Selected?

Council members are nominated by existing members. The slate of members is then presented to the Pastor for approval. When discerning members to nominate, the Council strives to maintain an appropriate balance of parents of students, alumni, parishioners, and men and women. It also seeks to identify prospective members with relevant skill sets. For example, the Chair of the Finance Committee typically has a financial background. Likewise, the Chair of the Policy Committee is often an attorney. The Council also strives to identify prospects in good standing with the Parish and School and who have a history of supporting both through their time, talent, and treasure.

What Are the Terms of Council Members?

The Chair shall serve for two-to-three years at the discretion of the Pastor with the option of a reappointment for a second two-to-three-year term. The term of membership for members-at-large is three years with the option of reappointment for a second three-year term. The maximum number of consecutive terms of membership of any member is two.

From Where Does the School Council Derive Its Authority?

The School Council operates in accordance with the Norms of the Diocese of Nashville and the Catholic School Rules and Policies, Guidelines for Parish School Councils, which are published by the Catholic Schools Office of the Diocese of Nashville.

What Is The Role of the School Council?

The School Council is concerned with Catholic school education in the Parish. Its overarching purpose is to help formulate policy that will guide Catholic school education. The Council does not regulate the ordinary operations of the School. That task, according to the Norms and Guidelines, belongs to the Principal. The Council is consultative in nature and serves an advisory role. It is neither responsible for the day-to-day administration of the School nor a grievance council.

As set forth in the Memorandum of Understanding that students and parents sign at the beginning of the school year, when problems arise, the following procedures should be followed:

The parent should contact the teacher first to respectfully inquire about the situation. Call the school any time during school hours and your call will be returned by the next working day. A personal conference will be scheduled if requested. (Conferences should never be held in the hall or in front of a class.) If the parent-teacher conference does not resolve the matter, then the Principal may be contacted and a conference will be scheduled which will include the parent(s), teacher, and Principal.

What Are The Duties of the School Council?

The Council has many duties, most of which relate to School policy and serving as an advisory sounding council for the Principal. The Council's duties include, but are not limited to:

To clarify and support the Mission of the School;

To implement Diocesan rules and policies;

To recommend and approve policies for the School in conformity with the Norms and Guidelines and Diocesan regulations and policies;

To recommend goals for the School, including long-range plans, in the areas of curriculum, staffing, finance, facilities, and development;

To direct the implementation of development goals;

To propose an annual School budget to be integrated into the budget of the Parish;

To advise the Pastor and Director of Religious Education concerning religious education and formation programs, without the authority to determine policy in these matters; and

To consult with the Pastor regarding the employment and evaluation of the Principal if requested by the Pastor.

Who is on the School Council?

The Chairperson and Members-at-Large include:

  • Bill O'Bryan, Council Chair, Policy & Planning Committee
  • Molly Ruberg; Policy and Planning
  • Anna Burnett; Finance Committee
  • Kevin Endres; Development Committee
  • Jason Ryan, Building & Grounds Committee
  • John Elam; Finance Committee
  • Mary Katherine Barranco '98; Development & Finance Committee

The ex-officio members of the School Council are:

  • Rev. Dexter Sutton Brewer, Pastor
  • Alan Mila, Head of School
  • Jillian Passons, Home and School Representative

Links of interest related to the School Council:

Click here for a photo guide for School Council members.

The bylaws of the school council may be found by clicking here.

Click here for the Diocese of Nashville - Document of Guidelines for School Councils


Middle School Science 22